Multi-Occupant Solar
Generate your own power and share the savings with your tenants
PSE’s Multi-Occupant Solar program provides a way for property owners to install a solar system on their building and distribute financial credits directly to tenants’ utility bills. This results in lower energy costs for property owners and tenants, higher property value, and is a step toward a cleaner energy future.
Benefits of Multi-Occupant Solar:
- Automated: Financial credits are automatically disbursed to selected tenants’ energy bills.
- Save money: Both property owners and their tenants share the financial benefits of reduced energy bills.
- Expand access: Reduce barriers and expand equitable access to solar energy.
- Environmental impact: Be part of a more sustainable future for our communities.
How it works

Have questions about PSE's Mutli-Occupant Solar program and how to get started? We're here to help.

Request a list of PSE Recommended Energy Professionals (REPs) who can help you with solar for your multi-occupant property.